
Palampur - The Town That Was...

The transformation of hilly towns across the Himalayas, especially in Himachal Pradesh, is a compelling narrative of change and adaptation. Once characterized by pristine natural beauty and self-sustaining communities, these towns have witnessed rapid urbanization, environmental degradation, and shifting lifestyles in last few decades.

Climate Change: Global Catastrophe that make the world sink or sail together

A severe cyclonic storm, Cyclone Dana, made a landfall in Odisha and West Bengal just a few hours ago. Prior to this, South Indian states experienced heavy downpours. Over the past decade, there has bee a steady rise in extreme weather conditions across the Southern Peninsula.

घने देवदार वन में बसे जागेश्वर धाम को भी लग गई किसी की नज़र

पिछले कुछ महीनों से उत्तराखंड के शांत एकांत स्थान में स्थित जागेश्वर धाम चर्चा का विषय बना हुआ है।

उत्तराखंड का पर्यावरण और विकास से जुड़े सवाल

उत्तराखंड के पर्यावरण की चिंता कोई नई तो नहीं है और अक्सर हमने देखा है कि तमाम तरह के बहस-मुबाहिसों के बावजूद नतीजे कुछ खास निकलते नहीं बल्कि स्थितियाँ अक्सर और भी खराब होती जाती हैं।

Climate Change: Facts Melt When Opinions Rise

IPCC or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has given its latest report on the status of climate change in recent decades and likely future scenarios. 

बलप्रदा जैसी संस्थाएं ही समाज का वास्तविक बल हैं

उत्तरी दिल्ली के रोहिणी उपनगर में एक स्वयंसेवी संस्थान काम कर रहा है जिसका नाम है बलप्रदा! संस्था के सचिव मधुसूदन शर्मा से पिछले कुछ सात-आठ बरसों की पहचान है।

We are trying to create a platform where our readers will find a place to have their say on the subjects ranging from socio-political to culture and society. We do have our own views on politics and society but we expect friends from all shades-from moderate left to moderate right-to join the conversation. However, our only expectation would be that our contributors should have an abiding faith in the Constitution and in its basic tenets like freedom of speech, secularism and equality. We hope that this platform will continue to evolve and will help us understand the challenges of our fast changing times better and our role in these times.

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