
Eat what is un-popular – Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada

Shahu Patole's Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada is a memoir that combines personal narratives with traditional recipes to shed light on the intersection of food and caste politics in India. Sudhirendar Sharma reviews the book for us. 

Review: Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday

Sudhirendar Sharma reviews the book titled Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday. 

Modern Masters of Cinema: A personal tribute!

‘Modern Masters of Cinema’ by Dhiraj Singh (Notion Press) is an account of the appeal of selected cinema masters, mostly from Hollywood cinema.

'My Journey, Your Maps': Navigating the near future!

When I was researching for the book My Journey, Your Maps, it became evident quite early that rapid changes are afoot and inevitable. But having lived in a period when computers and mobile and social media first made an advent in our lives, we know that it is very easy to overlook the disruptive potential of big changes. Changes afoot? So what?

लोहिया के सपनों का भारत : भारतीय समाजवाद की रुपरेखा - पुस्तक समीक्षा

प्रखर समाजवादी चिंतक डॉ राम मनोहर लोहिया स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम के अग्रिम योद्धाओं में तो शुमार होते ही हैं, उससे भी ज़्यादा वह जाने जाते हैं एक ऐसे राजनेता के तौर पर जिन्होंने स्वतंत्र भारत की राजनीति में समता, लोकतन्त्र, लैंगिक समानता, जातिगत विषमता को समाप्त करने जैसे मूल्यों और उच्च आदर्शों को देश की राजनीति का सामान्य हिस्सा बनाया।

मैं शब्दों का जादूगर हूँ

“जो जाने-माने कवि और गीतकार आनंद बक्शी को नहीं जानता वो हिंदी सिनेजगत से वाकिफ नहीं है”

We are trying to create a platform where our readers will find a place to have their say on the subjects ranging from socio-political to culture and society. We do have our own views on politics and society but we expect friends from all shades-from moderate left to moderate right-to join the conversation. However, our only expectation would be that our contributors should have an abiding faith in the Constitution and in its basic tenets like freedom of speech, secularism and equality. We hope that this platform will continue to evolve and will help us understand the challenges of our fast changing times better and our role in these times.

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