
Don't Banish Them to Old Age Homes

The global elderly population is rapidly increasing.  All credible projections indicate that by 2030, individuals aged 65 and older will outnumber youth for the first time in history. This demographic shift is particularly pronounced in Asia and Europe. In India, traditional joint family structures are giving way to nuclear families.  This trend is leading to a rise in old age homes as families become smaller and more dispersed. Tish Malhotra’s article below, explores the implications of this trend. It advocates for a return to familial support systems that respect and care for our elders.

The Ethics of Seeking Donations: A Thoughtful Reflection

Donating under duress is a distorted form of charity. It violates the very essence of altruism, where the donor gives willingly and wholeheartedly. The problem escalates in cases where the donation seeker wields undue influence or resorts to veiled threats, forcing individuals to contribute against their will. 

My Mother and Ratan Tata - The Lasting Impressions

After the news of Mr. Ratan Tata’s passing away was all over, a well-wisher of this web-magazine called to ask why there had been no article on his remarkable life.

Repeat a lie often enough...

2024 marks the year like never before. One of those years in recent memory when at least some noticeable changes have become part of our collective conscience.

Post Neural Attack: Healing with Gratitude

On July 5, 2024, Dr Sudhirendar Sharma suffered a neuro attack that left him partially paralyzed on his right side. After spending three days in the hospital, he returned home and maintained a positive outlook. Here’s his account of how he’s managing his life post-neuro attack.

Death must be talked about over, and over again

In this thought-provoking article, Sudhirendar Sharma explores the cultural taboos surrounding the topic of death in our society. Despite its inevitability, death remains a subject often avoided in conversations. It highlights the consequences of this avoidance, such as the lack of discussions on end-of-life care and funeral preferences. The article encourages us to rethink our approach to death and consider it as an integral part of life.

We are trying to create a platform where our readers will find a place to have their say on the subjects ranging from socio-political to culture and society. We do have our own views on politics and society but we expect friends from all shades-from moderate left to moderate right-to join the conversation. However, our only expectation would be that our contributors should have an abiding faith in the Constitution and in its basic tenets like freedom of speech, secularism and equality. We hope that this platform will continue to evolve and will help us understand the challenges of our fast changing times better and our role in these times.

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