
Onkar Kedia.

Onkar Kedia has been a career Civil Servant who retired from the Central Government Service in February this year. He has been writing poems in Hindi and English on his blogs and

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Media forgetting its core functions...

I have spent decades with print and electronic media as a member of Indian Information Service, one of the Central Civil Services which handles inf...


Day in and day out, we keep hearing stories of unscrupulous builders, cheating hapless consumers.


Punishment after death

“Do you know what happens after death?” he asked me. “How will you know? You have never died,” he answered his own question...

Trouble with writing poetry

He was a poet or so he claimed and always on a look out for people who could listen to his verses. I was one of his regular victims. I could never ...

Burden: When did one’s hair become burden on one’s head?

I was surprised to see him. With no hair on his head, he looked weird. I was a bit apprehensive also. After all, people don’t shave off their...

Art of Spying, Is this a Short story?

Is this a Short story? Perhaps not! Read on to see... ‘Do you know, I had no idea about spying. Learnt it the hard way'. I was ...

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